The cancellation and returns are directly facilitated by the seller, therefore please contact the sellers directly. Handgadi is a platform to connect the buyers with the sellers. We let the corresponding seller know about your interest in the products showcased on the Handgadi website and the seller (with his handgadi cart) then chooses to visit your location. Customers buy the products directly from the seller's handgadi cart once it visits their location and pay the seller then and there. So we do not have 'Buy' or 'Cancel' or 'Return' button with reference to the purchase of products on our website. We only offer subscriptions to the sellers to allow them to showcase their products on Handgadi website.
As per our recommendations to the sellers, in most locations, the replacement item is delivered to you by the seller at the time of reverse pick-up. In all other areas, the replacement is initiated after the originally delivered item is picked up by the seller.
All the perishable items after breaking their packaging are not eligable for returns or replacement but you can ask for refund from the seller for the same and seller can choose to refund the paid amount on admission of the issue with the product.
Yes, the freebie has to be returned along with the product.